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Worth More Than Gold (2017) is a treasure you should include in your self-improvement arsenal for those times when you just don't have it all together and need a boost. Affirmations are great for when you need a quick pick me up or a swift kick in the a** to get going.
Success and happiness both start with your mindset. It's all about what you feed your mind and how you choose to feel. With this book you can start changing your inner dialogue one sentence at a time and create a new story that speaks to the life you want to live.
the dreamprint (2015) is a manifest journal meant to spark your creative thoughts and ideas. Writing things down can be a powerful tool in manifesting your dreams into reality. What holds you back from accomplishing your goals? What are you really afraid of? These questions and more will be explored in the first few pages. You will then have free reign to run wild with whatever thoughts come running through your mind in a traditional journal writing format and thus become the author of your own book.
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Nominated for Small Business Book Award in Motivation
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